At the Swimtime Annual Awards ceremony at the end of November, DSC Assistant Head Coach, Doug Hose, picked up first prize for Swim Teacher of the year.
The awards were held online, in keeping with so much else in 2020.
Swimtime are one of the largest swim schools operating in the UK and NI, teaching some 20,000 swimmers a week, so there was some stiff competition.
“My interest in teaching swimming dovetails perfectly with my passion for coaching competitive swimming. I’ve been in the fortunate position to see and mentor swimmers from,
absolute beginners through to competitive champions”.
Doug has taught all ages and abilities over his ten years with Swimtime,
from complete novices and adult beginners to competitive swimmers
and triathletes.
Doug’s links with Dunstable Swimming Club facilitated an extension
of that pathway through to competitive swimming.
Being a keen swimmer and having swam competitively himself,
Doug was keen for his own children to join a swim club.
That journey started 14 years ago at the welcoming environment
of Dunstable Swimming Club which soon drew him in to helping coach
the younger swimmers.
Over the years he became involved in most aspects
of competitive swimming, a qualified ASA judge, a Committee Member,
a Beds ASA Committee Member, and now the DSC Assistant Head Coach.
“I hope I have been able to draw on this range of experience to provide
my swimmers with the options they need to succeed. Each one is an
individual with their own pathway, and it is the flexibility of approach in
the Swimtime system that has rewarded me with my swimmers success”.
Doug safely received his award on Friday 18th December at the
DW Sports Complex.
Keri Spokes, from Swimtime presented the award and some of Doug’s
local swimmers were there to support his latest achievement:
Callum Shepherd, Izzy and Millie Porzio, Annabella and Carmelo Vassallo-Todaro, Harvey and Dexter Riches, Olivia Cooper, and his current Swimtime South East swimmer Logan McGregor.