An overview of the club squad structure is detailed below:-
Academy Squad 1,2 & 3 – for the youngest of aspiring swimmers; typically age 7 or ASA level 6
Development Squad 1& 2 – that which caters for the younger swimmer who is still learning how to swim
Transition Squad 1 & 2 – a group which takes the fundamental skills needed to swim and refines them
Competition Bagcat Squad – the squad which begins to take the skills learned and develop them into competitive attributes
Sprint 1,2 & 3 – This is a squad where speed is of the essence! All swimmers will be looking to compete at county/regional level in a selection of events.
Performance Squad – This top squad is the elite of the club where those involved regularly participate in galas and ‘train to train’
Masters – for those who are looking to continue swimming purely for fitness reasons they may also be called upon for team galas.
More details about each squad is available by clicking on the squad name above.